Let us check if your Will needs updating

Could your Will be out of date? Changes in your family, your personal circumstances or your wealth might mean your Will needs reviewing.

Congratulations on having done what, depending on your age, only 35% of the population have done – got a Will in place. But…..

updating your WillOK - the image states "last Will" but did you know you can change your Will whenever you want? And as many times as you want? So, it's worth having a look and checking whether it's still up to date.

We don't tend to think about what might have happened in our lives since we made our original Will. In some cases we've known clients who signed their Wills decades ago and now they're older the Wills are completely out of date.

So, here are a few things to check:


  • Have there been any financial or life changes since it was written?
  • Have you entered into a new relationship, particularly marriage or civil partnership, since your Will was written?
  • Are there any new children, grandchildren other family or friends or even charities you would now like to take into account now?
  • Are your concerns different now - for example what about having to fund long term care in the future?

Better to be safe than sorry. Contact us for a chat about your current Will.

And so you know, if after talking to us, your current planning and Will is perfect for your circumstances, we will leave it at that – no charges incurred.